Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Star Golden Bell's Speed English

While doing the research for Super Junior's Full House I came across another show that I had seen on the Mokpo airwaves. 스타골든벨 (aka Star Golden Bell) is one of the seemingly infinite variety shows involving a group of Korean playing mini-games. But here the contestants are guest celebrities and the goal is to win enough mini-games at first as a team and then as a individual to ring the Golden Bell.

Now since I still don't do Korean that well there are some aspects of the show I don't really get:

But there's the one part, Speed English, where the contestants play a word guessing game with the resident English Teacher (or attractive equivalent) that I think is genius:

Well genius in that I'm going to rip it off for a lesson. All I need is decent vocabulary and Eva:

1 comment:

JUDY said...

One of my classes was called off today that I am so happy with that.
Anyway, What were those that you couldn't get from the Goldenbell show? As I am a Korean, I could help you out. In addition, I am curious for what you are wondering about Korean Language.